
Sunday, February 6, 2011

God Made many Things

Long ago there was no world.
There was no sun.
There was no moon.
There were no stars.
"I will make a worid,"God said.
So God made our world.

"I will make asun,"God said.
so GOD made the sun.
then God said,
'It help you see all day long."
"Now I will make stars."
"And I eill make stars."
So God mafe the moon and the stars.
"They are good,"said God.
"They are good,"said God.
"They help you see at night."
God made many more things.
He made the threes.
He made the fish in the sea.
He made big animals. And He made little animals. Last of all ,God made a man and a woman ."This World is for you ,"he said .The man and the woman were happy in their new world.

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